Thanks to the EIT Climate-KIC – Pioneers into Practice two very motivated young persons worked with us for a couple of weeks. One of the them was interested in area of Intelligent Agriculture globally and the other particularly in using Solar Energy for irrigation.

Intelligent Agriculture

Intelligent Agriculture project has two main parts. “Fertile soil” and “Smart farming”. “Fertile soil” part allows small farmers to use high-tech method for measuring the important microelements in the soil. The amount of that elements in the soil is critical for its fertility, but most of the small farmers has no knowledge and equipment for such measurement. The goal of the “Smart farming” part is apply the apply technologies like robotic, IoT, etc. in order to provide easy, efficient and clean farming.

Solar Energy for Irrigation

The scope of this project is the estimation of water and energy needs for crop irrigation, under current and future climate change scenarios. The estimation of energy demand for crop irrigation will allows to assess the potential of implementing solar photovoltaic for irrigation. This turns the irrigation systems carbon neutral while assuring crop water needs. The project is based on simulated data on crop yield and on crop water needs, acquired from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP).

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